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Nous avons lancé une série de webinaires pop-up en ligne pour nous garder connectés pendant la pandémie. Les pop-ups peuvent se produire sporadiquement tout au long de l'année, mais ils se produisent généralement sur une base mensuelle.


Les sujets vont de la phlébotomie pédiatrique aux néoplasmes myléoïdes. Une présentation d'une demi-heure est suivie d'un Q+R avec les membres. Les participants reçoivent un certificat CE à inclure dans leur portefeuille professionnel.


Pop-Up Learning est inclus gratuitement avec l'adhésion MLPAO. Devenez membre ici.


Education Bulletin – PLI and MLA/T Mobile Collections

We have received a few questions from MLA/T members regarding Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) coverage, and we thought we would take this opportunity to share PLI information with all members.


Read the bulletin – click here.


Education Bulletin – Phlebotomy Certification

Successful completion of the MLPAO Certification Exam confirms that an MLA/T has attained a recognized level of standards and training. MLA/Ts who have passed the MLPAO exam are fully certified to perform phlebotomy and have met the required standards for entry to practice. Additional certification in phlebotomy is not required.


Read the bulletin – click here.


Education Bulletin – MLA/T Scope of Practice

As laboratories across Ontario continue to cope with the ongoing shortage of MLTs, we have received concerns from MLA/Ts about being asked to perform duties that may be outside of their scope of practice.  PLI protects active MLA/T members from allegations of errors, omissions, or negligence committed within the scope of their professional activities.  


Read the bulletin – click here.

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