Continuing Education Courses

MLPAO Featured Courses
Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Fundamentals
Made by MLTs for MLTs and MLA/Ts, this course connects theoretical knowledge to pre-analytical and post-analytical tasks performed in the laboratory, including COVID-19 PCR testing.
Duration: 6 hours

Module 1 – Introduction to Molecular Biology, Instrumentation, and Pipetting
Module 2 – Nucleic Acid Extraction and Automation
Module 3 – Laboratory Workflow and Amplification Technologies
Module 4 – Contamination Control in a Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory
Credits – This self-paced online course should take about 6 hours to complete. At the end of each module, there is a quiz to evaluate comprehension. Learners are provided with correct answers and an explanation to reinforce concepts. This course is P.A.C.E. ® accredited.* A certificate will be provided on completion, and members will earn an additional designation on our Certification Registry.
What next? – Knowledge of molecular diagnostics is for much more than COVID-19. These skills can be applied to oncology, prenatal genetic testing, and more, as well as any future pathogens we may face.
With the MLPAO Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory Fundamentals Course, your education helps you support your team to support your patients: now and in the future.
*The MLPAO is approved as a provider of continuing education programs in the clinical laboratory sciences by ASCLS P.A.C.E.® Program.
Online Continuing Education
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An overview of autoimmunity and the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases, including common autoimmune connective tissue diseases like lupus, Sjogren’s syndrome, scleroderma and rheumatoid arthritis, and related diagnostic lab tests.
This presentation provides an outline of the metabolic syndrome that diabetes is a part of, diseases associated with metabolic syndrome, and focuses on new innovations in blood testing for diabetes.
This session will use case studies to unveil the impact of drug abuse in celebrities and legal processes. Participants will review testing advancements at the intersection of science and public safety through an exploration of toxicology testing techniques, challenges, and ethical dimensions.
​Take a break from the traditional conference fare and learn from the lighter side of lab medicine. From Sanford & Son to Gilligan's Island, learn 6 important lab lessons from classic sitcoms. This session is sure bring a smile to the attendee!
​This session will review the clinical implications of lead poisoning, the regulatory requirements for testing and reporting BLLs in children, and the analytical details of measuring blood lead.
Urine drug screening immunoassays are fast and inexpensive; however, they lack the sensitivity and specificity in detecting >300 novel psychoactive drugs in the recreational drug market. Shifting testing paradigm can provide significant improvements.
This webinar examines the role of ionized magnesium in the body and it's importance for lab professionals. Case studies presented highlight the importance of testing ionized magnesium levels.
Learn about why prenatal screening is performed, the conditions screened for, and the markers used for screening. The presenter will discuss the conditions diagnosed through prenatal screening and how the risks are assessed.
Fentanyl overdoses are on the rise, but not every hospital laboratory tests for fentanyl as part of its routine drug screens. This session will discuss why fentanyl should be added to routine drug screens and the consequences of failing to do so.
The Dish Podcasts
The Dish helps you keep up with all of your Ontario-specific medical laboratory news and issues. If you would like to share your story, email us at!