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Prenatal Screening – Serum Marker Screening and NIPT
Wednesday July 31, 2024 - 7 p.m.


Join Dr. Kun-Young Sohn as he shares information about why prenatal screening is performed, the conditions screened for, and the markers used for screening.  Dr. Sun will discuss the conditions diagnosed through prenatal screening and how the risks are assessed. 


Presenter:  Kun-Young Sohn, MD, PhD, FCACB

Clinical Biochemist, Department of Lab Medicine & Pathobiology, Credit Valley Hospital


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Flow Cytometry - From Concept to Case Studies

Thursday August 29, 2024 - 7 p.m.


Join Tariq Hillawi as he provides an introduction to clinical flow cytometry.  He will describe how flow cytometry works and share some practical case studies.


Presenter:  Tariq Hillawi, MLT

Senior MLT, Clinical Flow Cytometry Laboratory, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Click here for a list of previous webinars. Email us at to let us know which webinar you’d like to watch.

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