Jun 24, 2022
The MLPAO conducted a wage survey in Spring 2022 researching the differences in private sector and public sector wages and other compensation items for Medical Laboratory Technologists (MLTs) and Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technicians (MLA/Ts). The survey was sent to members via email. We received 986 responses, with 412 MLA/Ts, 483 MLTs and 91 other responses.
Of those 986 responses, the majority worked in public hospitals • 22% of responses were MLA/Ts in Public Hospitals, 8% MLA/Ts in Private Labs, 4% MLA/Ts in Specimen Collection Centres, 3% MLA/Ts in Public Health, and 1% MLA/Ts in Research Labs. • 43% of responses were MLTs in Public Hospitals, 3% MLTs in Public Health and 2% MLTs in Private Labs. We would like to thank those who participated for taking the time to share your information with us. Our results show that while private labs were more likely to get pandemic bonuses, the overall rate of pay was higher in public hospitals.
See full report below: