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November 2023
Research: Examining the health and functioning status of medical laboratory professionals in Ontario, Canada: an exploratory study during the COVID-19 pandemic
Genavieve Joncic, Mahika Jain, Vijay Kumar Chattu, Basem Gohar, and Behdin Nowrouzi-Kia
This study details research findings on the mental status of Ontario-based MLPs as observed through a health questionnaire organized and distributed by the MLPAO.
October 2023
Research: Hidden and Understaffed: Exploring Canadian Medical Laboratory Technologists’ Pandemic Stressors and Lessons Learned
Patricia Nicole Dignos, Ayesha Khan, Michael Gardiner-Davis, Andrew Papadopoulos, Behdin Nowrouzi-Kia, Myuri Sivanthan, and Basem Gohar
This study provides insight into the unprecedented demands of MLTs across Canada during the pandemic, and provides recommendations to enhance the sustainability of the laboratory workforce to ensure preparedness and resiliency among MLTs.
December 2022
Research: Factors Associated with Job Satisfaction in Medical Laboratory Professionals during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Exploratory Study in Ontario, Canada
Joyce Lo, Yusra Fayyaz, Sharan Jaswal, Basem Gohar, Amin Yazdani, Vijay Kumar Chattu and Behdin Nowrouzi-Kia
Job satisfaction has been studied extensively in the medical profession and is directly linked to performance. However, Medical Laboratory Professionals (MLP) have not been included in most of these studies despite being an essential part of the health care system. This study focuses on job satisfaction with MLPs of Ontario, Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic and the contributing demographic and psychosocial factors.
July 2022
Examining the Mental Health, Wellbeing, Work Participation and Engagement of Medical Laboratory Professionals in Ontario, Canada: An Exploratory Study
Dr. Behdin Nowrouzi-Kia, Jingwen Dong, Dr. Basem Gohar, Michelle Hoad
The study provides preliminary evidence regarding the workplace mental health outcomes of medical laboratory professionals in Ontario, Canada. The findings suggest that MLT and MLT/A experience psychosocial work conditions that impact mental health, functioning and disability.
March 2022
Research: The Forgotten (Invisible) Healthcare Heroes: Experiences of Canadian Medical Laboratory Employees Working During the Pandemic
Behdin Nowrouzi-Kia, Basem Gohar
MLTs and MLAs are critical members of the healthcare team and provide vital patient care services.
This study explored their experiences working during the pandemic and offers timely recommendations to mitigate against occupational stressors.
March 2022
Research: Factors associated with burnout among medical laboratory professionals in Ontario, Canada: An exploratory study during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic
Behdin Nowrouzi-Kia, Jingwen Dong, Basem Gohar, Michelle Hoad This study provides preliminary evidence regarding the factors associated with burnout in MLTs. Additional research is needed to understand their relationship with workers health and well-being and in the delivery of health services.
July 2021
Report: Clinical Placements and the Shortage of MLTs
Prepared by Judy Tran, MLT MBA - Independent Research Consultant
This report outlines the MLT shortage, clinical placements, and complicating factors. Following interviews with 22 stakeholders, a literature review, and a 2-hour think-tank with 18 participants, she proposes short- and long-term advocacy recommendations.
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